Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Church Part 2

Bible Study Notes The Church Part 2

I''m having a hard time with this but I am going to study and pray about it. You will understand later as I finish the notes.

We are doing a series on What Is The Church and right now we are in 1st Timothy

Just some introductory information. Romans through Philippians were all epistles or letters written by Paul to pastors. They were directed at pastors but there are blessings for all of us.

1st Timothy is not just a pastor epistle - it's a prison epistle.
Paul was in prison - not for anything we would consider a crime - he was in prison for preaching the gospel.
"He wasn't pouting - he was penning"
He worked for the glory of God's kingdom in the situation he found himself in.

Timothy was saved in Paul's first mission journey
On the second mission journey, Paul meets up with him again and asks him to go with him.
five months later a church is born is Ephesus which was a significant church. It was pastored by Paul, Timothy, and John. Jesus would write a letter to the church (Revelations)

1st Timothy could be divided into four parts
The Church
1 - Church message
2 - Church members
3 & 4 Church ministers
5 & 6 Church ministries

1. We are to preach the pure unchanging Word of God
there was then and is now - false teachings
OT law is supposed to be a guide that drives us to Jesus
we have to be careful that we don't become "sin-sniffers" happy to catch people in false doctrine
The best thing for us is the bible - the more familiar we become with the Word, the less apt we are to fall for false doctrine
The bible has always been the bible
"If it's new - it's not true. It it's true, it's not new"

2. Love of Christ
God desires that ALL men be saved
The world knows a lot about what we are against as Christians.
We are entrusted with the gospel - the Good News! We are to share with the world that Jesus loves you, wants to forgive you and change your lives - because He is FOR you!

3. Walk in Faith
We, just like Timothy, walk in warfare - there is false teaching
you keep going, not in your own power but in faith
In Timothy's case, he was prophesied over and that had to be a comfort
1st Timothy chapter 2
Church Members
Exhortation for embers of the body
Prayer - priority - we are to pray for everybody. It's easy to pray for ourselves and our loved ones. We even need to pray for our political leaders.
We complain about our leaders but as Paul tells us this - their political leader was Caesar Nero.

God can use even the most evil leaders sometimes. Caesar Augustus had a thought - after he had promised he wouldn't tax the people he decides hey, I'm going to count the people and tax them. In the mean time a very pregnat young girl who on her own would never have gone to Bethlehem, travels there to be counted in the census and a prophecy is fulfilled - the Messiah is born in Bethlehem.

we are to pray
we are to pray for everyone
the posture - holy hands lifted up

the posture can communicate something
sometimes - surrender
Sometimes - receiving
Sometimes - reaching up as to our Father to be lifted up and held

Jeremiah in Lamentations with our hands we lift up our hearts

Women are to dress modestly - modest comes from cosmos which literally means bringing order out of chaos
Jokingly said there is nothing biblical about no cosmetics and quotes mckee - if the barn needs painting, paint it.

A woman's dress - order? is she driving people around her closer to the Lord?
no shame, no blushing
moderation, sanity, self-control

women are not to teach or have authority over men

there is the hard part. I need to study and pray about this

11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

These are the reasons that were laid out
It is biblical
Women are created more emotional creatures
divine design - not about ability
men need to be in a position of spiritual leadership or they will never mature spiritually
(not sure where that is found in the bible)

Adam sinned - he knew what he did
Eve was deceived
The serpent that appeared to Eve was not like the snakes of today but was a beautiful creature (?) and the way he tempted Eve? He asked her if she wanted to be more like God.
Women are already praying, already worshiping
Women will be saved in childbearing - this does not mean that you are not saved if you have no children - there are children you can pour into - "spiritual children" you can come along side

I am confused and hurting. If anyone has some biblical wisdom to help clear some of this up for me - I will be glad to hear it. I didn't post this last night because I thought it would help to sleep on it. It didn't.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I"m sorry this is such a difficult thing for you now, but it is good to really dive in deep to the harder parts of the Bible rather than blow than off like many people do.

There should be a lot of good references here:

I hope that might help some.