For the band and in memory of Charles Bush
Please keep all our kids in your prayers. They are all so busy, doing so much and we easily forget how things can turn so quickly. I posted this on my Thought Have Wings after their UIL competition. They go to compete at Area in Longview today.
Eye make-up washed off by tears - $10.00
Lotion for hands sore from clapping - $ 3.99
Cough drop for throat raspy from yelling - $1.98
Heart full of pride - PRICELESS!
I’m scribbling this in the car on the way home from the UIL band competition. We made it in time to see the Paris Blue Blazes Band take the field and their show was just beautiful and graceful. We stayed til after the North Lamar Panther Band finished playing and until we knew both bands had made ones!
I yelled and clapped for both bands and it made me incredibly proud that I work with these wonderful creatures who overcome so much everyday. Band teaches a sense of community, responsibility, accountability, and that practice really DOES make perfect.
Today, it taught them that beauty can come from ashes, that you can move and work through grief, and you can create meaning from senseless loss.
They proved to themselves that you can step up and do what needs to be done even when it is painful, and that the beat is still in your heart and head even when the drummer stops playing. I am humbled.
Cheer on!
Thank you Linda :)
Dee Martin, thank you very much for your wonderful comment. I just wanted to stop by to tell you that I will keep writing, singing and dancing as if nobody can see me (because that's the best way to go about doing those things).
Thanks for dropping by my blog,
Don't ya just love Music!
Battle of the bands, how awesome. haven't been to one since my kids left high school. They were great fun. My prayer goes out to Charles and the kids.
This brought back such good husband was a high school principal. :-D
Thank you for reading Barbara's Travels...I look forward to your comments.
Thanks for commenting on my story Dee. You have an interesting blog - I will pop back to have a better look at it.
Hi Dee, nice post, cool blog. My Son Jack is a drummer in a band and he's doing a talent show this weekend. We live in Moss Side Manchester, and my motto here is 'Bands not Gangs!'
I've always loved the placename Paris Texas.
-Andy Sewina
I loved the line, " can come from ashes,..."
A warm story filled with love.
Thank you for stopping by my blog, please come again...
Thanks for stopping by to check out the scribblings.
And what an interesting experience this must be for you--band and music can be such crucial components to one's life. :)
Nice post.
Spread cheers and smiles :)
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