Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Philippians Chapter 1 Study

BJ and I are trying an experiment. Using the SOAP method mentioned in the previous post we are going to study the book of Philippians starting with chapter 1 for this post. We will read on our own and then post discussion in the comments. Whenever it looks like we are ready we will post to start chapter 2.

Anyone who visits here is welcome to chime in at anytime. Here is a reminder of the method but you can always refer back to the post.

Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer begins the online, slightly nerdy, anyone can join in, SOAPy bible study!

Philippians 1

Bible Study SOAP

This is actually from the Live To Worship blog but I thought it was such a great way to think when you are studying so I am sharing it here.

Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer.

Scripture: I need to be reading and writing out Scripture as it speaks to me.
Observation: I need to study and observe the who, what, when, why and make a note of any questions I might have.
Application: I need to think about how I can apply these new truths to my everyday life.
Prayer: And I need to pray that God will help me do so.

I've never kept an actual bible study notebook except for the one I use for notes that I take when I'm listening to a sermon but I think this might be a good idea for me. (or since my handwriting is so bad anymore maybe I need to be typing it!)

Does anyone else actually keep a notebook or prayer journal? I'd be interested to know if you do, how you do, and if it has been beneficial to you?

Quote to Ponder

What is Conviction of Sin?

Answer: "It is that state of the mind and heart when the individual takes sides with God against himself."
-Paris Reidhead, Getting Evangelicals Saved

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Dale had his appointment today and his levels are still a bit off. They adjusted his meds and he goes back in two weeks and has another test to see where we are.

I got this message about Sage a little while ago.

"Gary called about an hour ago, and it looks as if the transplant may take place around the middle of June. It has something to do with the donor wanting or needing to wait until then. The doctors had been saying that he might be able to go home until this came up, so I guess now that's not part of the plan. Sage's hair is beginning to grow back, and he's eating better. Evidently platelets are still being administered on a regular basis. I told Gary that I'd had an email from you today, and he said to tell you that he appreciates your asking about him. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. "

Just wanted to share with ya'll and thank you. Dee

Monday, May 26, 2008


I stumbled across this today and was blown away.

The Pathetic Milky Way


The Danger of the Milky Way

the Milky Way is a danger to the true believer and to the church. Unfortunately, most church-goers have grown to love and embrace the milk of teaching while rejecting the solid food of sound doctrine and true Bible preaching. This may be one of the greatest dangers of the church today. Hebrews said it is inexcusable! )

* see Hebrews 5:12-14

The writer is a pastor and he talks about the danger of the Milky Way which he says is elementary or shallow principles of Christianity.

He writes that he is convinced that God often sends a congregation the pastor they deserve, and talks about the responsibility of the congregation (or "sheep") to make sure that they are being fed meat.

Sheep have the duty to receive the word, incorporate it, meditate on it, muse on it, pray through it, talk about it to your children, and grow in it.

Both articles are good reads and food for thought.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2 Kings 2 Notes

2nd Kings 2 Death of Elijah, intro to life of Elisha, and the Holy Spirit

Elijah Taken Up to Heaven
1 When the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. 2 Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here; the LORD has sent me to Bethel."
But Elisha said, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." So they went down to Bethel.

3 The company of the prophets at Bethel came out to Elisha and asked, "Do you know that the LORD is going to take your master from you today?"
"Yes, I know," Elisha replied, "but do not speak of it."

4 Then Elijah said to him, "Stay here, Elisha; the LORD has sent me to Jericho."
And he replied, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." So they went to Jericho.

5 The company of the prophets at Jericho went up to Elisha and asked him, "Do you know that the LORD is going to take your master from you today?"
"Yes, I know," he replied, "but do not speak of it."

6 Then Elijah said to him, "Stay here; the LORD has sent me to the Jordan."
And he replied, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." So the two of them walked on.

7 Fifty men of the company of the prophets went and stood at a distance, facing the place where Elijah and Elisha had stopped at the Jordan. 8 Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground.

9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?"
"Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied.

Think about how cool it must have been to hang out with Jesus. No packing a bunch of food. Got a few loaves and fishes - bam! food for thousands! Need something to drink? Jesus could handle it living water - wine to water.
Need a doctor? Vision problems - missing ear? Jesus could heal it. These are all carnal reasons while good but what about the spiritual reasons - the teaching and fellowship?

John 16 talks about Jesus going away and He even tells the disciples that it will be to their advantage that He leave so the Helper or Holy Spirit can come. The disciples may have ben thinking - what advantage? Now we have to start packing food and water!

The advantage is that before Jesus was leading them (us) from the outside. Now the Holy Spirit will lead us from the outside. For the disciples as for us, the Holy Spirit empowered them for ministry and gave them victory over sin. If you compare the early church before and after the Holy Spirit you get a picture of this truth. Peter who before the Holy Spirit couldn't even stand up for Jesus to a little girl, after was able to stand before thousands on the day of Pentecost and tell them that this Jesus you whom crucified is both Lord and Christ. (Acts 2:36)

John, the same one who wanted to call down fire before the Holy Spirit, after the Holy Spirit writes "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness"
Before the Holy Spirit - burn 'em - after hug 'em

The Holy Spirit was with Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, all the Judges

We have the Holy Spirit residing in us but does the Holy Spirit have us - are we surrendered, walking in the control of the spirit?

When Elijah asked what he could do for Elisha before he was taken away, Elisha could have asked for anything but he asked for a double portion of Elisha' s spirit. He had seen the miracles and the effectiveness of Elijah's ministry and asked for twice that spirit.

Before Elisha could walk in that kind of power God took him to 4 cities or 4 points of empowerment. These four cities were all significant spots in Israel's history.

1. Gilgal - place of purification

The children of Israel had wandered for 40 years without entering into the promised land. A new generation had grown up and as they crossed into the promised land the first place they stopped was Gilgal to renew the covenant with God. God had Joshua make flint knives and circumcise this new generation.

We too need purification. we need circumcision in a symbolic way - the flesh cut from us, to purify our lives. We want to be filled, but we need to be emptied first.


milk in a sippy cup - gets under a seat in the van and stays there for several days. Gets yucky. The two year old finds the cup and is thirsty and starts to grab it and drink. the father grabs the cup because he knows it needs to be cleaned. The 2 year old cries but the father knows - clean the cup and feed the child something to drink that is clean and good.

We try to pile the Holy Spirit on top of layers of sin and filth - we need to be emptied of the flesh - the world, and then we can be filled with the Spirit. All we can do is ask God in prayer to clean us and fill us. We need circumcision of the heart, ears, and mouth. Word or world. Guard what we hear and say.

2. Bethel - place of realization.
Jacob, heel snatcher, after he stole his father's blessing and his brother threatened to kill him he ran and he ended up sleeping with a stone for a pillow at Bethel (House of God - God is in this place) He dreams about the ladder with angels going up and down, but at the top - God. God tells Jacob He wants to work in his life.


family eating a meal - three kids. Oldest kid is the messiest. end of meal the two younger kids climb up in dads lap. Oldest child looks at dad and says you don't want me in your lap because I'm messy. The father says you are right , I don't want food all over me - let me clean you up , you're my child, of course I want to hold you.

The Father wants to clean us up and bring us close.

3. Jericho - place of confrontation
fruit should flow from your life but God doesn't fill you with the spirit so you get a spirit "high" - he prepares you for battle.

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses

the greek for witness here is from martys for martyr

Jericho was the site of the great battle and we are called to be witnesses in a Christ rejecting world, the weapons are prayer and the Word and they are the only things that will cause spiritual walls to fall.

4. Jordan - the place of expectation
When the priests carrying the Ark came to the river Jordan there was no miraculous parting of teh waters before they set across. They were commanded to step into the water and then the waters would part. Expect God to prepare us for the ministry he calls us to. Expect God to empty us so He can fill us. Expect God to move in our lives.

The whole time these things were going on the prophets were asking - do you know how your master will be taken away today? Do you know what you are doing? And later they said that didn't happen - God is not working in your life. That is the world telling Elisha and us- don't go farther, the Holy Spirit isn't really moving in you etc.

Elisha listened, trusted, was prepared for a ministry that was twice as effective and twice as miraculous as Elijah.

Some extra notes to look into:

This was the end of a remarkable ministry, one that was in many ways similar to the ministry of Moses. Both Moses and Elijah:

* Stood alone for righteousness
* Were associated with fire upon mountains
* Were associated with the desert
* Met God on Sinai
* Were chased out of their countries by pagan rulers
* Knew God’s miraculous provision for food and water
* Wandered in the desert for a period measured by 40
* Fasted for 40 days
* Were powerful examples of prayer
* Parted waters
* Had close associates who succeeded them
* Had successors that parted waters also
* Had mysterious or strange deaths

d. And Elisha saw it: This fulfilled the requirement mentioned in 2 Kings 2:10. Elisha would indeed inherit the prophetic ministry of Elijah. Yet Elisha wasn’t happy when this happened; he took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces as an expression of deep mourning.

e. He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him: Since the mantle was the special mark of a prophet, this was a demonstration of the truth that Elisha truly had inherited the ministry of Elijah.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

An encounter with a missionary

Working in the hospital, I am fortunate to be able to come in contact with people from all walks of life. There are many interesting stories and people for that matter that I could go on and on about. It is amazing how true it is, that if you just take a few minutes to stop and talk to someone how much you can find out about a world that is outside your own little box. And it never fails, everytime that I stop and do this, which is not that often, when you have 20-25 people on your schedule to see during the day, that I am reminded by GOD just how special people are and how he is using them in this world.
Today, I was working with an elderly lady who has had a knee replacement and her son was visiting her and walking with us down the hall. I noticed that he had a logo on his shirt that referenced a ministry. So I simply asked if he was in the ministry and then the floodgates opened. He told me how he and his wife were evangelists and they went overseas, particularly in southeast Asia, for periods of times and worked in spreading the Gospel. He said that the majority of his work lately has been in India, Nepal, and most recently in Burma. In the areas where the government was strict on organized religion, his work was more covert and "underground". He told me that the news reports on the Burmese government was correct. He said that the cyclone that caused so much damage killed around 78,000 people and another 50,000 has yet to be accounted for. This unaccountability is based on the governments lack of regard for human life. The reports of delayed aid are true. He also said that since this area has been so consumed over the years with civil war, that the land mine threat is extraordinary. The Burmese government has implemented a solution to assist with clearing these landmines, that I am unaware if it has ever been reported on the news here in the U.S. The solution is this: They have groups of children go out into the fields unknowingly and inadvertantly trip the mines. This has created even more death as well as disabilities to innocent kids. He said the orphanages are full there and in need of much intervention, but again, help from the outside world is limited and has to be performed via methods that are covert. He told me that it is amazing to him still even after all his experiences how people can have so little regard for human life.
I think it goes without saying, that this family must be lifted up in prayer. I will not release his name for the sake of me never trusting even the most secure sights on the internet, but we can pray for all those people like he and his wife who put their lives on the line everyday for the sake of advancing the Kingdom of GOD.
What an eye opening, mind expanding conversation I had today. Can you imagine living in a place like that in the world? People may think we have it bad here sometimes and say well, this country does it better here, and if our kids lived in this country, then they wouldn't have this problem, etc. and etc. You know what I am talking about. That liberalist theology bullbutter that some of us get to hear now and then, both in the media and unfortunately at church sometimes. But let me just say this: If you think our kids have it bad here in the U.S., sounds like you need to go with that missionary and live in Burma for awhile.
Thank GOD, this country was founded on Christian theology. This conversation with this man gave me a little glimpse, that GOD is still using the United States as a spring board in the world to send missionaries out in all different ways to pronounce the Good News.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Update On Sage Martin

I got the word last night that he is probably going to have to have another bone marrow transplant - the docs are trying to get it set up. This is NOT good news, so please keep him in your prayers.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prayer Request

BJs dad is heading for Saudi as part of his job. I ask for prayer for travel mercies for Bobby and prayer for BJ's mom while he is gone.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Been Thinking About...

This is from a blog I read. The part that concerns me - I highlighted it in bold and italics and color. I thinkwe (myself included) need to be really careful about that part.

Posted by Mart De Haan
May 21st, 2008

Like Jesus, the Apostle Paul sets high standards for entering the kingdom of God. In his first letter to the Corinthians he writes: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites…will inherit the kingdom of God” (1Cor 6:9-10).
But that’s not all Paul says about the high standards of God. In the 5th chapter of his letter to the Galatians he adds, “When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, your lives will produce these evil results: sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, participation in demonic activities, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisions, the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21 New Living Translation).

I don’t know how anyone could read such a list and think it only refers to someone else. If we read it too quickly to see ourselves in the mirror, all we need to do is read again Paul’s catch-all phrase, “and other kinds of sin.”

But, anyone who has read Paul knows that it’s not his intent to show that no one has a hope of heaven. So, I think we need to answer the question: What is “the kingdom of God”?

In one sense, the Bible shows that “the kingdom of God” is future. It represents the predicted day, at the end of this age, when Christ will rule the world. At that time, according to the New Testament, the Savior of the world will becomes its judge and king. He alone will determine who comes into his kingdom and who doesn’t (John 5:20-27; Matt 25:31-46).

The Scriptures, however, also speak of a present kingdom. In this sense, all who– in their own hearts– have bowed the knee to Christ, have already been welcomed into His kingdom (Col 1:13). Such people, according to Paul, have been accepted not on their own merits. They’ve been accepted by the grace of Christ who, on the basis of his own saving work, has washed, set apart, and declared right with God all who have trusted him (1Cor 6:11).
But how does this fit with what Paul is saying?

Is he saying those who have been forgiven by Christ will not commit the sins of their past? Is that how they show they’ve been forgiven? If that’s the case then why in this letter does Paul have to repeatedly urge the family of God not to fall back into sexual sin, conflict, and all kinds of other behavior that does not reflect the goodness of God in our lives?
To dig a little deeper let’s ask the question,
What does it mean to “inherit the kingdom?”

The word inherit can mean to receive, at some time in the future, a promised inheritance. Or it can also mean to partake and participate now in the “rule and influence of God.” Both are possible, and both are probably in view as Paul writes.
In a future sense, only those who have been forgiven of their sins will be allowed into the kingdom of heaven.

In the present, none of us can, point to any sin, and say that by such behavior, we are reflecting the rule and influence of God in our life.

Paul makes two things very clear in his letters:
No one qualifies for heaven on their own merits (1Cor 6:11),
And no can show the presence of God in their life by their own efforts (Gal 5:22-25).

Seems to me that such an understanding of “the kingdom of God” allows us to have an important conversation, not only about the high standards of God, but about the wisdom and grace by which God lets people like us come into his presence.


Okay I know this is kind of rough but it is my first try at creating and uploading a podcast so hopefully I will find better ways to do this.

May 21, 2008 2 Corinthians 9:8

It takes a moment to start so have your volume on and go ahead and laugh at how I sound ! Just remember it may be one of you next time!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Holy Fire

2 Kings 1
The Lord 's Judgment on Ahaziah
1 After Ahab's death, Moab rebelled against Israel. 2 Now Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice of his upper room in Samaria and injured himself. So he sent messengers, saying to them, "Go and consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, to see if I will recover from this injury."

3 But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, "Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, 'Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?' 4 Therefore this is what the LORD says: 'You will not leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!' " So Elijah went.

5 When the messengers returned to the king, he asked them, "Why have you come back?"

6 "A man came to meet us," they replied. "And he said to us, 'Go back to the king who sent you and tell him, "This is what the LORD says: Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending men to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore you will not leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!" ' "

7 The king asked them, "What kind of man was it who came to meet you and told you this?"

8 They replied, "He was a man with a garment of hair and with a leather belt around his waist."
The king said, "That was Elijah the Tishbite."

9 Then he sent to Elijah a captain with his company of fifty men. The captain went up to Elijah, who was sitting on the top of a hill, and said to him, "Man of God, the king says, 'Come down!' "

10 Elijah answered the captain, "If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!" Then fire fell from heaven and consumed the captain and his men.

11 At this the king sent to Elijah another captain with his fifty men. The captain said to him, "Man of God, this is what the king says, 'Come down at once!' "

12 "If I am a man of God," Elijah replied, "may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!" Then the fire of God fell from heaven and consumed him and his fifty men.

13 So the king sent a third captain with his fifty men. This third captain went up and fell on his knees before Elijah. "Man of God," he begged, "please have respect for my life and the lives of these fifty men, your servants! 14 See, fire has fallen from heaven and consumed the first two captains and all their men. But now have respect for my life!"

15 The angel of the LORD said to Elijah, "Go down with him; do not be afraid of him." So Elijah got up and went down with him to the king.

16 He told the king, "This is what the LORD says: Is it because there is no God in Israel for you to consult that you have sent messengers to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? Because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!" 17 So he died, according to the word of the LORD that Elijah had spoken.
Because Ahaziah had no son, Joram [a] succeeded him as king in the second year of Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah. 18 As for all the other events of Ahaziah's reign, and what he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?

Ahaziah is the son of Ahab. Ahab has just been killed in battle so Ahaziah has decided he will stay home where it's safe. He falls through the lattice of his upper room and injured himself. Sometimes the safest place is not in the safest place. Sometimes the safest place is being in the center of God's will. Ahaziah sends men to the prophets of Baal. The same prophets that just a few chapters back were unable to make their gods create fire.

His men were met by Elijah who told them to go back and tell their king that he is going to die.

The king sends three groups of soldiers to Elijah and the first two die because Elijah calls fire down on them and they are consumed. The third group asks Elijah to spare them and the Lord tells him to go with this group and he goes and tells this guy who despite all that has just happened with is dad, still when he needs help, calls on baal.

How can this be important to our lives?

Contrast this with what Jesus says in Luke 9

51 Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, 52 and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. 53 But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”[e]
55 But He turned and rebuked them,[f] and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. 56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.”[g] And they went to another village.

Jewish kids were schooled in religion from the start and there were three basic stages. Bet Seder, Bet Midrash, and Bet Talmud

If you passed the first stage (which consisted of memorization of the Torah) you could move on to the next. which meant memorizing the entire Tanach. (acronym formed from the initial Hebrew letters of the Tanakh's three traditional subdivisions: The Torah ("Teaching," also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings") - hence TaNaKh. The elements of the Tanakh are incorporated in various forms in Christian Bibles, where, with some variations, it is called the "Old Testament.") If you didn't make it any further you would go home and learn whatever work your family did.

If you made it through the second stage you would apply to train under a rabbi or you would be invited. If chosen you would then become a "follower" of that rabbi,

They would want to know what the teacher knows, do what the teacher does, become like the teacher. There was a saying "May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi" In other words, you would be following your teacher around all day and so closely that you would be covered in the dust from his sandals.

When you think of the disciples you think of fisherman. Chances are the disciples were the ones who did not move on - not the best students. Jesus CHOSE them and they left their nets and followed him. They were the b team and they changed the course of history.

What wonderful pictures for us. First of all - when we look at the disciples and how they were not the "A" students and how they were still able to change the world because they followed the greatest rabbi - who is also our rabbi!

In Luke when the disciples ask Jesus if they should call down fire from heaven just as Elijah did, it' s obvious that they knew their bible. They just didn't quite get Jesus. The next time we are wanting to call down fire from heaven on someone we think is deserving of it - we can remember this picture and rejoice in the fact that Jesus came to save us. We can also pray that we would be following Him so closely that we would just be covered up in the dust of His sandals. We can pray that holy fire from heaven might rain down on us and consume the flesh and let Jesus light shine through. Amen?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ya'll come on over!

I have finally posted on my new blogsite! Ya'll come on over and be a part of it.

The time has come to journey back.....

TO NARNIA!!!! I love that part of the movie trailer! We're going to the 1 O'clock showing tomorrow! I can't wait!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Prayer Request

Dale's sister is in the hospital in Shreveport and they ran tests today. Hopefully we will have results tomorrow but they think she is having mini-strokes. Even if things are ok for now Dale and I may make a day trip Saturday and go spend a little time with her. We would ask for your prayers for her.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Answered Prayers

God is good!

I told you guys about my buddy at work, Daniel, who told me he was an atheist. After last nights Bible study, and the AWESOME discussion, specifically Matthew 28:19 (Make disciples) and James 1:22 (Be doers of the word), I decided to make a specific prayer to the LORD this morning on the way to work, that He would make a way somehow to open a door to talk about God/Jesus with Daniel, to bring it up in the conversation, because I am not one to just start talking about things like that cold.

And the LORD is faithful - HE did just that!! It blew me out of the water as it happened - Daniel and I talked about what he thought Christianity was, and what it really is as I see from the Bible. Our talk paves the way for further discussions down the road - where it leads ultimately I don't know, but all I do know is that the LORD is awesome. I just wanted to share that with you all. Keep praying for Colby also - that he would come to know how lost he is, how much he needs a Savior, how much GOD loves him. Pray that the LORD would bring him to salvation through Jesus Christ.

GOD is so faithful. Praise HIS holy name. Praise HIM in the morning, in the evening, all day long!

(If you can't tell I am like totally flying right now! I want to go out and preach Jesus to everyone I see)

This has me worried!

When the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory starts saying that its okay to believe in aliens and that the big bang theory is the only logical explanation for the earth's creation, we need to start looking towards the sky and preparing ourselves for the ultimate vacation.

Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens

By ARIEL DAVID, Associated Press Writer Tue May 13, 4:07 PM ET

VATICAN CITY - Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican's chief astronomer said in an interview published Tuesday.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, was quoted as saying the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones. "How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" Funes said. "Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation."

In the interview by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures. Ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom, he said.
The interview, headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother," covered a variety of topics including the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and science, and the theological implications of the existence of alien life.

Funes said science, especially astronomy, does not contradict religion, touching on a theme of Pope Benedict XVI, who has made exploring the relationship between faith and reason a key aspect of his papacy.

The Bible "is not a science book," Funes said, adding that he believes the Big Bang Theory is the most "reasonable" explanation for the creation of the universe. The theory says the universe began billions of years ago in the explosion of a single, super-dense point that contained all matter. But he said he continues to believe that "God is the creator of the universe and that we are not the result of chance."

Funes urged the church and the scientific community to leave behind divisions caused by Galileo's persecution 400 years ago, saying the incident has "caused wounds."

In 1633 the astronomer was tried as a heretic and forced to recant his theory that the Earth revolved around the sun. Church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe.
"The church has somehow recognized its mistakes," he said. "Maybe it could have done it better, but now it's time to heal those wounds and this can be done through calm dialogue and collaboration."

Pope John Paul declared in 1992 that the ruling against Galileo was an error resulting from "tragic mutual incomprehension."

The Vatican Observatory has been at the forefront of efforts to bridge the gap between religion and science. Its scientist-clerics have generated top-notch research and its meteorite collection is considered one of the world's best.

The observatory, founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, is based in Castel Gandolfo, a lakeside town in the hills outside Rome where the pope has a summer residence. It also conducts research at an observatory at the University of Arizona, in Tucson.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Early Morning Reflection

I want to let all of you know how grateful I have been for being involved with this little Sunday evening service. I truly believe that God brings things into out lives for a season and for a reason.

As I sat and listened to a lesson about Elijah and how he got all whiny and wimpy about his faith even after he had just witnessed God's mighty power first hand, I thought, how like that I have been. Dale had just walked through the valley of the shadow of death once again and come out the other side and instead of me being the picture of the strong woman of faith that I like to think I am - I was, like Elijah, ready to go to a cave. Dale wasn't doing so hot either. I'm not talking physical - we were tired and pouty and not very nice to each other.

Like Elijah - we needed a nap and God sent us rest. Not a real nap - we had plenty of rest and too much time looking inward. We were tired in our souls. God sent us rest and renewal in the form of a small group of people who were serving the Lord and that group has been all of you. Through involvement with the Live at 5:55 service the Lord has been walking us through some things and He has done it through you all. Dale is even getting up and singing again and it seems like just a few short weeks ago he barely had the energy to walk in and sit through the service.

Like Elijah, we needed angels to feed us and the food we needed was the joy of the Lord and we have been ministered to. As Elijah was on the mountain looking for the Lord in wind and fire - a small still voice was where he found Him.

If you ever doubt that the Lord does things through you - remember that you were angels and small whispers of God for us. Sometimes God uses us to reach many but sometimes He uses us to reach two, and from what I hear - the Angels in heaven rejoice either way.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Prayer Request

I told you all about Dale's nephew Sage, who has had a bone marrow transplant. He is still on the unit and his Dad's name is Gary. I just got an update and wanted to share it with all of you.

"We were able to have a telephone visit with Gary today. He said that he'd been sick and is recovering from a virus or the flu. Of course, he's been "banned" from the BTU and has been able to visit Sage only by phone for several days. However, Sage continues to progress in a mostly forward manner. Gary said that there had been an issue with his kidneys a week or so ago, but about 12 hours after the doctors took him off all his medications, things began to improve. He's now eating solid food....a great step forward. Bless his heart....he's been in the unit for about 12 weeks now. Please keep praying."

Thanks for your prayers and please keep them coming!

Bible Quiz

Billie sent me a link to a Bible quiz. It's ten multiple choice questions and it's different every time you go there. I put the link in the sidebar under bible study. Thanks Billie!

Monday, May 5, 2008

What An Incredible Thing... be able to spend an evening worshiping our Lord with friends, singing praises to the Father, listening to awesome testimony, and sharing very personal concerns with everyone. I mean, last night was awesome, in the true sense of the word. And the Tuesday night Bible study - I've always enjoyed studying the Word, but Tuesday night is even better than that - the fellowship, the, uh.. humor even when I don't sit next to Shawn, being part of a group of fellow believers, brothers and sisters in Christ, and all that. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for letting me be a part of that - both Sunday nights and Tuesdays. And a huge thanks especially to Marc for being the catalyst that got it all started - you have no idea just how much I appreciate what you've done. My relationship with Jesus has been strengthened, and because of this group's encouragement and your prayers, I've been stepping out in faith more and more. Just a few MONTHS ago, I would never have even considered thinking about maybe even a little bit doing any teaching of any kind - teaching adults is a far cry from teaching kids in Sunday school! And then here I am, doing the very thing I would never have even thought of. God is awesome!!

So I just wanted to say thanks guys for letting me be a part of this fantastic little group we've got going on here. And thanks for your prayers for Colby - God has been laying him on my heart for some time now, and I really am deeply thankful for your prayer for him last night. I plan on praying each and every day for him - just like the persistant widow in Jesus' parable! I hope that God gets so annoyed from hearing me constantly on the matter that He grants my request just to shut me up!! That would be fine with me, ha ha. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week in the Lord - may He bless each and every one of you!