Monday, May 5, 2008

What An Incredible Thing... be able to spend an evening worshiping our Lord with friends, singing praises to the Father, listening to awesome testimony, and sharing very personal concerns with everyone. I mean, last night was awesome, in the true sense of the word. And the Tuesday night Bible study - I've always enjoyed studying the Word, but Tuesday night is even better than that - the fellowship, the, uh.. humor even when I don't sit next to Shawn, being part of a group of fellow believers, brothers and sisters in Christ, and all that. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for letting me be a part of that - both Sunday nights and Tuesdays. And a huge thanks especially to Marc for being the catalyst that got it all started - you have no idea just how much I appreciate what you've done. My relationship with Jesus has been strengthened, and because of this group's encouragement and your prayers, I've been stepping out in faith more and more. Just a few MONTHS ago, I would never have even considered thinking about maybe even a little bit doing any teaching of any kind - teaching adults is a far cry from teaching kids in Sunday school! And then here I am, doing the very thing I would never have even thought of. God is awesome!!

So I just wanted to say thanks guys for letting me be a part of this fantastic little group we've got going on here. And thanks for your prayers for Colby - God has been laying him on my heart for some time now, and I really am deeply thankful for your prayer for him last night. I plan on praying each and every day for him - just like the persistant widow in Jesus' parable! I hope that God gets so annoyed from hearing me constantly on the matter that He grants my request just to shut me up!! That would be fine with me, ha ha. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week in the Lord - may He bless each and every one of you!


Dee Martin said...

I am so glad for you. I pray every day that this little service will do things that are too big for us so that God will be glorified in it and in the church.

Marc said...

Thank you for your comment, but I give all the praise to GOD who put it on my heart to try to get it started. I look forward to the studies. I thank GOD for him inspiring others to testify to his truths and lead in so many ways. The more simple and 1st century church I get, the more I realize how special the early church was and how church is supposed to be. Not about politics, power or money, but about simple relationships, and growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Its about realizing that we are all part of something much bigger than ourselves and about simply trying to take the light that we have and shine it for and on others. I know that is deep, and probably sounds cliche' but that is how I feel. I thank GOD for all of you.
