Monday, May 12, 2008

Early Morning Reflection

I want to let all of you know how grateful I have been for being involved with this little Sunday evening service. I truly believe that God brings things into out lives for a season and for a reason.

As I sat and listened to a lesson about Elijah and how he got all whiny and wimpy about his faith even after he had just witnessed God's mighty power first hand, I thought, how like that I have been. Dale had just walked through the valley of the shadow of death once again and come out the other side and instead of me being the picture of the strong woman of faith that I like to think I am - I was, like Elijah, ready to go to a cave. Dale wasn't doing so hot either. I'm not talking physical - we were tired and pouty and not very nice to each other.

Like Elijah - we needed a nap and God sent us rest. Not a real nap - we had plenty of rest and too much time looking inward. We were tired in our souls. God sent us rest and renewal in the form of a small group of people who were serving the Lord and that group has been all of you. Through involvement with the Live at 5:55 service the Lord has been walking us through some things and He has done it through you all. Dale is even getting up and singing again and it seems like just a few short weeks ago he barely had the energy to walk in and sit through the service.

Like Elijah, we needed angels to feed us and the food we needed was the joy of the Lord and we have been ministered to. As Elijah was on the mountain looking for the Lord in wind and fire - a small still voice was where he found Him.

If you ever doubt that the Lord does things through you - remember that you were angels and small whispers of God for us. Sometimes God uses us to reach many but sometimes He uses us to reach two, and from what I hear - the Angels in heaven rejoice either way.

1 comment:

Marc said...

What a great statement of personal insight. God Bless you, Dee. On a personal note, I would like to say how much I appreciate the Martins and BJ for their ministering presence to my family, even if they did not know they were doing it or not. The lesson on Elijah also hit home to me as well and the spirit showed me a few things that I needed to put into perspective. I have really enjoyed seeing everyone work together to bring a praise service to GOD in the evening at Oak Park. I thank you all for your love and support. I think it is a great way to serve the LORD, and give him praise and glory. God Bless you all.
