Sorry this took so long - between business and feeling like crap, I've been occupied. Anyway, here goes:
vs1: This should reall belong to the previous chapter, so I'll skip it.
Scripture: vs2-3
Observation: It seems these two ladies were at one time working together with Paul, but had a falling out.
Assessment: Dissension in the body of Christ is an oxymoron - or it should be. One body with many parts - that is how Paul describes us many times throught his epistles. When that unity is fractured, our work for Christ suffers as we focus on the dissension itself, taking sides against members of the body. I am thinking specifically about what happened recently.
Prayer: Father, give me a spirit of forgiveness for theones who hurt me - just as Jesus forgave those who hurt Him. Replace my animosity with mercy, my ill-will with love, towards those whom I feel have "done me wrong".
Scripture: vs 4-7
Observation: Paul is exhorting us to rejoice in the Lord, and he ties that spirit of rejoicing to presenting our requests to God, and not worrying, and looking for God's peace.
Assessment: When we refuse to give our concerns to God, when we waste time worrying about problems which we may not have any control over whatsoever, when we forget the Lord is near, both in His second coming AND His proximity to us as believers, when we don't pray with thanksgiving (very important to always start prayers off with thanks to God for His blessings, even when we may not feel them to be present), when we forget all those things or refuse to do them, then we forgo the peace of God. And we thereforehave no cause nr ability to rejoice.
Prayer: Jesus, let me never forget to always praise you in thanksgiving for your work on the cross, whatever my circumstances. My joy is in You - keep that always in the front of my mind.
Scripture: vs 8-9
Observation: Paul tells us what to think about, AND to put it into practice.
Assessment: If we merely think about the things of God, and don't actually work on them, make them part of our lives, then we are making an exercise in futility. All the Bible study in the world is empty if one doesn't live the Word.
Prayer: Father, let my mind dwell on the things of you - the true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable things of You. And I pray that you will give me the strength to put those things into practice in my life - to live your Word, not just read it.
Scripture: vs 10-23
Observation: Paul goes from talking about rejoicing in the Lord to showing the Philippians that he is rejoicing - putting his words into practice. Then he goes on to explain how he can rejoice even though his circumstances weren't that great. Whatever the circumstances, God will give him the strength to overcome and to rejoice in them.
Assesment: I still have a LONG way to go before I resemble Paul in this regard. It is easy to rejoice in the Lord when things are going well, but during the hard seasons, I can find it difficult to pray with joy - which is the time I should be praying the most, thanking God for the things that are going right at the time.
Prayer: Father, I pray that you would give me the same spirit Paul has, wher I can rejoice in You regardless of my condition. My joy is in You - nothing else in this world compares. Let me remember when things are bad, that You strengthen me to overcome all things.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Phil 4 SOAP
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It always amazes me that we can read the same thing and get different things from it. The word of God truly is "rhema" living!
That's the same word Ron Vietta (sp) on CSN at 11:30 uses alot, as in "I've got a rhema for someone"
I read it in a devo that was telling about how the Word is alive and one way that God speaks to us.
Then just a day later I read our takes on the same scripture and it hits me how true that is.
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