Friday, March 28, 2008

The Evening News Isn't All Bad!

I saw this on Fox Friends and then found the article this evening. This is awesome!

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right

Morning Edition, March 28, 2008 · Julio Diaz has a daily routine. Every night, the 31-year-old social worker ends his hour-long subway commute to the Bronx one stop early, just so he can eat at his favorite diner.

But one night last month, as Diaz stepped off the No. 6 train and onto a nearly empty platform, his evening took an unexpected turn.

He was walking toward the stairs when a teenage boy approached and pulled out a knife.

"He wants my money, so I just gave him my wallet and told him, 'Here you go,'" Diaz says.

As the teen began to walk away, Diaz told him, "Hey, wait a minute. You forgot something. If you're going to be robbing people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep you warm."

The would-be robber looked at his would-be victim, "like what's going on here?" Diaz says. "He asked me, 'Why are you doing this?'"

Diaz replied: "If you're willing to risk your freedom for a few dollars, then I guess you must really need the money. I mean, all I wanted to do was get dinner and if you really want to join me ... hey, you're more than welcome.

"You know, I just felt maybe he really needs help," Diaz says.

Diaz says he and the teen went into the diner and sat in a booth.

"The manager comes by, the dishwashers come by, the waiters come by to say hi," Diaz says. "The kid was like, 'You know everybody here. Do you own this place?'"

"No, I just eat here a lot," Diaz says he told the teen. "He says, 'But you're even nice to the dishwasher.'"

Diaz replied, "Well, haven't you been taught you should be nice to everybody?"

"Yea, but I didn't think people actually behaved that way," the teen said.

Diaz asked him what he wanted out of life. "He just had almost a sad face," Diaz says.

The teen couldn't answer Diaz — or he didn't want to.

When the bill arrived, Diaz told the teen, "Look, I guess you're going to have to pay for this bill 'cause you have my money and I can't pay for this. So if you give me my wallet back, I'll gladly treat you."

The teen "didn't even think about it" and returned the wallet, Diaz says. "I gave him $20 ... I figure maybe it'll help him. I don't know."
Diaz says he asked for something in return — the teen's knife — "and he gave it to me."

Afterward, when Diaz told his mother what happened, she said, "You're the type of kid that if someone asked you for the time, you gave them your watch."

"I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right. It's as simple as it gets in this complicated world."

Wait For The Lord

From a Harvest Devotional:

"To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the wicked you show yourself hostile."
Psalm 18:25-26

God wants to do His will in our lives in His way and in His time. If you need something from God, be patient and wait on Him. God will meet you wherever you are to lift you to where He wants you to be.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

This is why Oprah scares the hell out of me!

A video idea

I know, you are thinking this guy is crazy. He won't let it go. You're right. I just think of things to amuse myself. I know that this is not inspiring nor was my last random blog but this is the coolest thing since sliced bread, and I will eventually overuse it like I did those Subway ranch wraps that came out a couple of years ago that made me sick and I stopped going there for awhile. Nevermind that. Take your focus off the Jesus and Easter Bunny video, even though it was nice to see there are other people out there like me, and reminesce about a movie that came out in the late 1980s called 2010: A Space Odessey (is that right). BJ knows where I am going. Anyway, watch the last part of it where Roy Scheider talks with David Bowman, and picture some sort of Christian dialogue with some of you playing those characters. Now that really amuses me. Just think about it. I know you think the same way I do, Dee and BJ with your photoshop selves. This could be a classic. For those that have not seen it, please do so. I probably should write something inspiring like Brian or Dee, but I am having too much fun with this.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Join the Evangelism Bus (metaphor)

Spread the word, the bus is coming and it is going to be parked in the FLC at 630 pm Thursday. Hope everyone's tank is filled. I love methaphors and symbolism. I also love bunnies, easter eggs, peanut butter and chocolate. Not necessarily in that particular order. Later

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

For Marc with LOVE!

I am laughing out loud RIGHT NOW!

Luke 2 Notes

Intro Info written by an educated man - physician
education shows in the language, details, and clarity
Insights into the life and humanity of Jesus
Written to the gentiles (Greeks)
Shows Jesus as the Son of Man
Chapters 1 thru 4 - Son of Man Coming
Chapters 5 thru 21 - Son of man Career
Chapters 22 thru 24 - Son of Man Cross

Luke 2
Only info we have on Jesus boyhood
Other books not included in the Bible we know tell stories of Jesus miracles during boyhood but John 2:11 say Jesus first miracle was turning water to wine at the wedding

The story of Jesus mother and step-father going to Jerusalem from Galilee for the Passover pilgrimage that all Jews were expected to make. Jesus was 12 - (significant age in the Jewish faith)
The people would travel with the women and children at the front and the men bringing up the rear. Because of his age Jesus could have been with either group. They didn't realize till the first night that Jesus wasn't with either of them. What they did then is what we should all do. They returned to the last place they had Jesus. (Movie Home Alone - hey Mom? hey dad? hey Jude? haha)

Revelations 2 letter to Ephesus
2I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place

The church was active, doing all kinds of ministry, remained faithful - but they left their first love - Jesus

We get busy and head to places assuming Jesus is with us - and the world, work, our families put priorities on us

Joseph and Mary went back to where they last had Jesus - the Temple.

Jesus was truly a man of priorities - all of the needs that existed, the requests put upon Him - there were only three things that Jesus said "I must" about. (three time in the gospel)

48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.”
49 And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”

Luke 4:43 (New King James Version)
New King James Version (NKJV)

43 but He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.”

Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem. (to the cross)

Jesus understood pressures but He knew He had only these three things from His Father that He HAD to do.

Phillipians 3
Paul also had priorities
12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Don't live in the past clinging to past sins or living off past victories

Matthew 11

28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

We get lists of ten things from Oprah or Phil, pressures from friends, job, family, whatever. If we simplify to what is truly necessary it gets boiled down to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Quote For the Day - Spurgeon

"The mission of amusement produces no converts.
The need of the hour for today's ministry is believing scholarship
joined with earnest spirituality, the one springing from the other
as fruit from the root. The need is BIBLICAL DOCTRINE,
so understood and felt, that it sets men on fire." --CH Spurgeon

1st Corinthians 2-4 Notes

1st Corinthians 2-4
Paul gives the Corinthians a D in Spirituality
1-4 Division
5-6 Discipline
7-14 Difficulties the Corinthians wrote Paul about
15-16 Disbelief in the resurrection after death

Reasons Division is wrong
1. You miss the focus on Jesus Christ and Him crucified
2. The things (people) the Corinthians were dividing over were silly - fools
3. Because of all the things God has for us - we have the Spirit that tells us that God has good things in store for us and that walking with the Lord is wonderful. Division hurts the divided and the dividers.
4. It's carnality.
The bible says there are three places we can be
1. Natural man - no thought of the spiritual, no thought about sin, no understanding
2. Spirituality - walking and growing with the Lord, communicating with God
3. Carnality - saved but still acting like the natural man - tied up with worldly things

Paul says carnality shows by what you eat - spiritually (immature - not growing in the word)
also by your behavior - acting worldly

Paul tells the church at Corinth that he is building a foundation and the church is building on that foundation. Their lives and works will count as will ours.

There are two judgment seats - the Great White Throne where God will judge if you think you don't need Jesus and are to be judged by your works alone - (doesn't work out to good)

The second is the bema seat or judgment seat of Christ where the saved will be rewarded by what they have done for the Lord. Paul is saying that the things that were all about us will be burned up - gone but the things we did for God we will be rewarded for (referenced in 2nd Corinthians 5:10)

I googled this and there seems to be some disagreement about this - interesting to do further research since I had never heard of this before.

Paul then tells the Corinthians about what he goes through to serve the Lord and that they should imitate him and just serve no matter the circumstances.

question "what would my church be like if everyone prayed like I pray, gave like I gave, and served like I serve?" Food for thought.

1st Corinthians 9 Notes

1st Corinthians 9
1st cor. 8,9 and 10 deal with questions concerning Christian liberty
Paul uses the analogy of running a race to explain to the Corinthians that we need to be stepping stones - not stumbling blocks
Instead of running just to run we must run to win - in other words just showing up at church is not enough - we have to let Christ rein in every area of our lives. What made Paul such an effective minister was that he was living for God not himself.
We are to be temperate in all things (exercise self-control) In order to be a radical man or woman for God
The body likes to rule even when we have given our lives to Christ there are still often pockets of flesh - little parts of our lives that we try to keep for ourselves
The story of Israel wanting a king and Saul becomes the kings even though God wants to give them a king - (David) Saul was tall, good looking but caused problems - got them into battles, lost the ark. Finally David is crowned over the southern part of Israel -for seven and a half more years Israel is divided and Jerusalem is under Jebusite control. David finally is crowned over the north as well and the very next scripture talks about David taking a group of men to Jerusalem and once again Jerusalem is under Israel's control.
The analogy shows - Christ needs to rule over every part of you. The self will not dethrone the self - we try to combat flesh with flesh and it doesn't work - Christ must be enthroned in our hearts. Transformation always follows coronation

We are saved by the completed work of Jesus Christ and our response while we are still on earth determines the reward in heaven. What we do here for the Lord means the difference in degrees of responsibility we are given in His kingdom (based on our faithfulness here and now.)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Only 6, 850 miles...

Evangelism committee

I just wanted to let everyone know that the first meeting of the NEW Evangelism committee will be held this Thursday @ 6:30 pm @ the Oak Park United Methodist Church's Family Life Center. I encourage anyone who is interested to contact either myself or pastor Steve. We need to get people who are motivated, enthusiastic, and willing to do the work that God has set before us on this committee!

Jesus said "Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel to every living creature." (Mark 16:15) This must become our mission! Whether it be going into the bars or going into the back alleys, our mission is not to make CONVERTS, but to make DISCIPLES! In order to do this, this committee must begin by teaching others (the congregation) how to evangelize. Rather than beating people over the head with the bible, we must do this with a loving and kind heart and address not only spiritual & emtional needs, but physical needs as well.

We have a bus that has been sitting idle in our parking lot for far too long! This must and will change! Marc and I have discussed with pastor Steve the possibility of starting a bus ministry and were met with great enthusiasm. I would like to put out the word that we need volunteers to drive the bus! If I have to, I will do it, but I would rather give others in the church who DO NOT volunteer for everything under the sun (and they know who they are) the opportunity to contribute to this ministry.

We have people in the community who are interested in coming to this church and have actually expressed that to Marc and I. Therefore, we need volunteers to step up and do follow up calls and visits. And, finally, we are at risk of losing some of the younger children in our congregation because NO ONE (with the exception of those who have volunteered for everything) has been willing to step up and volunteer to be Sunday school teachers (there are only 2 children's Sunday school teachers, myself and Janell)! These children are the present and future of our church. Without them to carry on the ministry that this Church is capable of, OAK PARK WILL CEASE TO EXIST, AND NO ONE WANTS THAT!

Without these things, we cannot possibly stimulate growth in our church. Volunteering is one of the best evangelism tools to have, but without the willingness to do it, we will only be spinning our wheels.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Luke 17 Notes

Having trouble with forgiveness?

Put the cross in the equation

exodus 15 water bitter
For three days the Israelites traveled through the desert - finally found water
ran to get a drink and yuck (Marah!) bitter
Moses put the tree in the water and it became sweet
God showed Moses the tree
the tree - the cross
the cross changes our biterness

murmuring and grudges - insert the cross
we have been forgiven so much, though we have turned our back on the Lord
been willful

God never gets tired of us
arms open wide - i love you, I forgive you
if the Lord is willing to forgive us over and over how dare we not forgive each other

verse 7 - "and" indicates Jesus is going to balance one lesson with another
it's good to have faith to attempt impossible tasks
takes just as much faith to accomplish mundane everyday tasks
faith even for the most mundane tasks our faith needs to tranlate into =faithful service
is the fact that God has called you enough fro you to be faithful?
everyday was not pentecost for the disciples
that's the only standard God uses to judge what I am doing
1st cor 4:2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful

chuck smith
"I cannot generate faith; I cannot produce faith. Faith is a gift of God. It is listed in I Corinthians chapter 12 as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now it is glorious when God plants that faith in your heart, but if He doesn't I don't know what you can do about it. So I think it's proper with the disciples just say, "Lord, increase my faith.""

charles spurgeon
1. We ought; my friends, to be extremely careful of our faith—both of its rightness and of its strength, First of all: when we consider the position which faith occupies in salvation. Faith is the salvation-grace. We are not saved by love; but we are saved by grace, and we are saved by faith. We are not saved by courage, we are not saved by patience; but we are saved by faith. That is to say, God gives his salvation to faith and not to any other virtue. It is nowhere written—he that loveth shall be saved. It is nowhere recorded—that a patient sinner shall be saved. But it is said, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." Faith is the vital part of salvation. If a man lacks faith he lacks everything. "Without faith it is impossible to please God."

"Faith is the silver thread upon which the pearls of the graces are to be strung. Break that, and you have broken the string—the pearls lie scattered on the ground, nor can you wear them for your own adornment"
Faith is the foot of the soul by which it can march along the road of the commandments. Love can make the feet move more swiftly; but faith is the foot which carries the soul."

are you faithful to what God has called you to do? not always joyful



we cry out in trials for a friend but very little time thanking the Lord when things work out. Keep a journal of your prayer requests.
Being thankful helps you to remember that God has been faithful to answer and will continue to be faithful to work in yoiur life. Being thankful increases your faith!!!

forgiving, faithful thankful ready

Ready -
the kingdom of God is within or among you -
The kingdom's presence is related to one's ability to repent (Beasley-Murray 1986:102-3)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Luke 18

My notes from March 19, 2008

Luke 18

reminder and intro
Luke is a gentile writing to the Greeks
He holds Jesus up to be the perfect man
Things are going to be coming to a head in Jerusalem soon
We get to be a fly on the wall and listen in to the same training sessions that the disciples had

Luke can be divided into 3 main parts
Luke 1 through 4 deals with the Son of Man's coming
Luke 5 through 21 deals with the Son Of Man's career
Luke 22 through 24 deals with the Son of Man's cross

Luke 18 is about 5 encounters
I Demanding Widow
Luke mentions widows more than any other gospel. Court in the day was not like courtrooms of today. It was a tent and the judge, not the law, set the agenda. The judges assistants determined who would be heard (usually because of bribes)
The widow had 3 things hindering her.
1. she was a woman and so couldn't come to court alone
2. no husband to stand with her
3. poor - no bribe

She just kept coming so finally they dealt with her so she would go away.

The purpose of the parable is not to show what God is like but to teach us to pray and not lose heart.

We are not strangers - we are Gods kids - if you are a parent you know that your kids have access.

This woman is a widow - we are the bride - a bride has access to the husband

How much more will god work in our lives His bride, His kids

Question - if God is our Father and we are his kids, then why would we have to keep asking and praying . Why do we pray and sometimes nothing happens?

God is a triune being - father son spirit
We are created in his image body mind spirit
In the garden of Eden the spirit was foremost and God and man fellowshipped
Then came sin and man's triune self flipped upside down. That spiritual connection has never been the same.

our real need is for connection with the true and living God

we try to fill the gaps with things that may be sinful and sometimes may be philanthropic but still won't fill the void

We say we need bread
He says He IS the bread of life
We say we need peace
He says He IS peace
We pray for help with decisions - we need to find the way
He says He IS the way

We pray for our needs - He says we need Him
How to pray - keep asking, keep seeking, don't lose heart
We need the connection

II. Deluded Pharisee

Praying with himself - glad he isn't like others including the tax collector
Tax collector prays have mercy on me a poor sinner

The pharisees fasted on what would now be Monday and Thursday because these were market days and everyone would see that others were buying food while the Pharisees fasted

We need to know WHO we are praying to. the Pharisees were praying to themselves. eg we pray sometimes Lord please let my wife feel moved to give me a back rub - kids praying before Christmas bless my family and please let them give me that Thomas the Tank bike.... know who we are praying to.

Prayer needs to be based on mercy
Know why we have access to God - we are His kids not because we are so sweet. we are His bride - not because we are beautiful but because at some point we come to Him as a humble sinner who needs a savior

III Devoted Fathers

Always thought this was mothers bringing their children to Jesus but the verb autios is plural masculine. Challenge to today's fathers who leave the spiritual teaching of their kids to the moms.

Job frequently got up early and made burnt offerings because his sons may have sinned in their hearts. We say we are busy but at least we don't have to kill and burn a bull. The sacrifice has already been given - if Job had time - we have time to bring our kids to Jesus

Parents have a great privilege and if not bringing our kids before the Lord then we leave them unprotected from the enemy

IV Dishonest Youth

Rich young ruler asking how to inherit the kingdom
Matthew's account tells us he was young and rich
He basically had it all but it wasn't filling the void
He was being dishonest. He called Jesus good - jews reserved good for God. When Jesus asks him why he called him good he is asking him to search his heart. If he thought Jesus was God he should be confessing his sin. When Jesus said he would have to keep the commandments he said he had which is saying he never sinned.
The bible never says you cannot be saved if you have wealth. David, Abraham, and Solomon were all wealthy. Riches keep you out of the kingdom if they possess you and you depend on them . Jesus is trying to get him to admit his sin and his need for a savior.

Jesus will put the holy finger of His spirit on the things that have a hold on our souls.

Illustration of monkeys being trapped by putting their hands in a coconut and taking a hold of some marbles and then they are caught because they will try everything they can to get loose except LETTING GO.
Don't let issues make a monkey out of you.

Jesus tells the disciples the truth about his coming death and He also tells the truth about the sin in our lives.

V. Determined Beggar

Contrast with the rich ruler
Three characteristics that put the beggar in a position to go home joyful
1. Humility - he asked the Son of David to have mercy on him - (wonder if we would have the same tone if we had been blind for years) When we approach with pride it quenches what god wants to do in our lives

aside: We ask why do bad things happen to good people. Biblically there are NO good people. we have all sinned. We think of others as being good but if we go back to the rich ruler calling the rabbi good we remember that Jews reserved the title good for God.
The real question should probably be why does anything good ever happen to evil , sinful people

Back to the beggar:

2. Determined - even when others told him to be quiet he just cried out louder
Illustration: Great oak tree is just a little nit that held it's ground

told a story about the British in WWI Dardenelles, Turks
The British were losing ships and retreated not knowing that the Turks had maybe 30 seconds of ammo left and were already planning their surrender. WWI would have ended much sooner and so many people might have been saved

How often are we 30 seconds from victory in prayer and we give up - continue to cry out to the Lord

3. He was expectant. the account in Mark tells us he threw off his beggars garment. The garment was like a handicapped parking sticker - it said he could collect alms in the town. He came to the Lord with humility, determined and throwing off the beggars garment and didn't give up.

Reaching This Generation

These statistics didn't seem to shock me as I read them.
Walking through a high school hallway these days, I've heard talk of everything. Sex, drugs, alcohol, the works. But there's one giant issue I don't here from probably 95% of my high school peers: God. And the way I see it, they won't ever talk about God if we don't reach out to these kids and show that we actually care about their salvation. They're not going to just wander into church on their own. We have to pull them in and get them plugged in somewhere. If we don't, then it's not going to happen. This generation is losing the battle against Satan's army, but we still have a chance. God's army has to prepare for battle and do whatever it takes to get this generation plugged in and begin a relationship with God, and I'm ready and willing.

How about you?


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Holy Week

This week has been really calm and less stressful as compared to previous weeks. Maybe GOD was planning Holy Week to coincide with Spring Break to help us all out and give us a chance to slow it down a notch and contemplate what our lives need to be focused on. Tommorow night, my family and I are going to try to make it to Silent Holy Communion at church. That time has been special for me since we have been worshipping at Oak Park. I was reminded of how special it is recently when we had a church wide prayer vigil. During that time we all had the opportunity to come to the church and pray for the ministries and people of the church, etc. It was a communion with GOD. Maybe we should have more of those as a body of believers. Easter is a special time, but what if we celebrated it more thru that type of prayer vigil. I believe it can and would do powerful things within us and within the congregation.

Readings for Tuesday of Holy Week

Holy Week Scripture Readings for Tuesday:

The barren fig tree: Mat 21:18-22; Mar 11:11-14, 19-23

The questioning of the chief priests: Mat 21:23-27; Mar 11:27-33; Luk 20:1-8

Parable of the two sons: Mat 21:28-32

Parable of the wicked husbandmen: Mat 21:33-46; Mar 12:1-12; Luk 20:9-18

The tribute money: Mat 22:15-22; Mar 12:13-17; Luk 20:20-26

The Sadducees confuted: Mat 22:23-33; Mar 12:18-27; Luk 20:27-40

The great commandment: Mat 22:34-40; Mar 12:28-34

David's Son and David's Lord: Mat 22:41-46; Mar 12:35-37; Luk 20:41-44

The hypocrisy and ambition of the Pharisees: Mat 23:1-39; Mar 12:38-40; Luk 20:45-47

The widow's mite: Mar 12:41-44; Luk 21:1-4

Christ's second coming foretold: Mat 24:1-51; Mar 13:1-37; Luk 21:5-36

Parable of the ten virgins: Mat 25:1-13

The last judgment: Mat 25:31-46

Greeks visit Jesus. Voice from heaven: Jhn 12:20-36

The judgment of unbelief: Jhn 12:37-50

Last passover. Conspiracy of Jews: Mat 26:1-5; Mar 14:1, 2; Luk 22:1, 2

Judas Iscariot: Mat 26:14-16; Mar 14:10, 11; Luk 22:3-6

Monday, March 17, 2008

Praise band needs a name

Ok guys, this praise band has been together since last summer and the only thing we call ourselves is "praise band". THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!!! I'm inviting everyone who is a praise band member to come up with a name for us. I have come up with Damascus Road.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Phil Wickham Easter Video


I tried to write one earlier, but I am somewhat technologically inept. But I do try. Thanks to everyone who is pressing on with the contemporary service and trying to help make it a success. Your ideas, talents and time are all appreciated. Patience with each other and patience with circumstances are all needed. Rome wasn't built in a day. Hope everyone has a good week and who knows, maybe next year we will see the much anticipated release of the movie "Jesus and The Easter Bunny".


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Prayer Request

I'll start this blog off by making a prayer request for myself and my dog, Snickers. I don't knowif it's Biblical to ask for healing prayer for a dog, but she is very special to me and I would ask that everyone pray for her. She is failing - I have made an appointment to put her to sleep Monday, unless God intervenes. This is a very difficult time for me - Snickers is pretty much like my kid, or that's the way I think of her. I truly believe in God's sovereign power over disease and death - I have complete faith He can heal her, but I don't know if it is His will or not. I'm kinda struggling with this right now, and going through this is much much worse than I thought it would be.

In His name,


Welcome to opening day at our blog. There is very little to see here right now but we will grow. My heart is for this to become a space where we can pray, add devotionals and bible study resources, and links for praise. Right now there is just the basic framework here but we can make it be so much more!