Saturday, March 22, 2008

Evangelism committee

I just wanted to let everyone know that the first meeting of the NEW Evangelism committee will be held this Thursday @ 6:30 pm @ the Oak Park United Methodist Church's Family Life Center. I encourage anyone who is interested to contact either myself or pastor Steve. We need to get people who are motivated, enthusiastic, and willing to do the work that God has set before us on this committee!

Jesus said "Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel to every living creature." (Mark 16:15) This must become our mission! Whether it be going into the bars or going into the back alleys, our mission is not to make CONVERTS, but to make DISCIPLES! In order to do this, this committee must begin by teaching others (the congregation) how to evangelize. Rather than beating people over the head with the bible, we must do this with a loving and kind heart and address not only spiritual & emtional needs, but physical needs as well.

We have a bus that has been sitting idle in our parking lot for far too long! This must and will change! Marc and I have discussed with pastor Steve the possibility of starting a bus ministry and were met with great enthusiasm. I would like to put out the word that we need volunteers to drive the bus! If I have to, I will do it, but I would rather give others in the church who DO NOT volunteer for everything under the sun (and they know who they are) the opportunity to contribute to this ministry.

We have people in the community who are interested in coming to this church and have actually expressed that to Marc and I. Therefore, we need volunteers to step up and do follow up calls and visits. And, finally, we are at risk of losing some of the younger children in our congregation because NO ONE (with the exception of those who have volunteered for everything) has been willing to step up and volunteer to be Sunday school teachers (there are only 2 children's Sunday school teachers, myself and Janell)! These children are the present and future of our church. Without them to carry on the ministry that this Church is capable of, OAK PARK WILL CEASE TO EXIST, AND NO ONE WANTS THAT!

Without these things, we cannot possibly stimulate growth in our church. Volunteering is one of the best evangelism tools to have, but without the willingness to do it, we will only be spinning our wheels.


Jessica Martin said...

I agree with Brian on keeping the youth in OPUMC. If these kids aren't shown that people will actually take the time to stop and focus on just them, they're not going to continue coming! I know, that's exactly what happened to me! All of the youth stopped coming because it died. If someone had taken the time to show us, like Marc and Brian are doing now, that they actually care about these kids and their salvation, there would probably be more youth at this church! But because it died, we now have to rebuild it! Now just work with the ones we have! These kids are the future of this church, and if there are no kids at this church, this church will have no future.

Dee Martin said...

I will be praying for all of you, and for the church body as a whole. I think there are many people who DO care but are not always able to do everything that needs to be done. It's an age old dilemma. We need more people to do more of God's work - how do we get more people?

All I know is to pray that the Lord's presence will be upon this church and that His spirit will shine through and be a beacon to His people.

Many years ago twelve disciples changed the world because they listened to and learned from and loved on Jesus. Maybe that's the key here as well?

Marc said...

Man, you are on fire. I love your enthusiasm. The key is for church leadership to be held accountable as well as holding the laity accountable in a volunteer leader system. The paid ministerial staff are as following: Pastor, and music minister. After that, everybody else is volunteer. If the rest of the congregation has to do the majority of work for advancing the church (I mean teaching,planning,serving) then leadership (pastor and committee leaders) need to listen to those who are serving voluntarily, and wholeheardetly for the LORD. Wendy and I are behind you. We were there, and continue to be there. It can burn you out. Patience and communication is the key, and calling to task the powers that be for their short sided leadership is also the responsibility of the laity.