Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Join the Evangelism Bus (metaphor)

Spread the word, the bus is coming and it is going to be parked in the FLC at 630 pm Thursday. Hope everyone's tank is filled. I love methaphors and symbolism. I also love bunnies, easter eggs, peanut butter and chocolate. Not necessarily in that particular order. Later


Dee Martin said...

We will be there in spirit. Dale has to be in Dallas the next morning at the transplant institute at 8:00 so he'll be in bed early. Our prayers will be there though. Let us know how it all goes.

Brian said...

AAAAAAAMMMEEEEEEEEEEEN, BA-RUTH-AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Thanks, Dee, for the support! This is something that I've never done before so I'm a little nervous about it, but God has put me in this position for a reason, and I intend to make the most of it.

homer4k said...

Brian - I won't be there either. Thursdays are LOST Days - I go to out to my parents' place and we watch LOST every week for some reason. But I hope things go well for you and the rest of the people meeting there. -bj